Step 10: Apartments, Friends, and Deserts
Day 55, Sunday the 18th of June, 22km walked We got up at 6am, Ben had been our alarm clock as he seemed to naturally rise at sun rise. A heavy mist lay heavy upon the land about the village. We packed up and started walking by 6:30am. After walking 2.6km or about 40 minutes, we arrived in the village of Atapuerca where there was a small convenience store that sold all sorts and had a small pod coffee machine. After everyone had ordered infront of me, I went up and after ordering a coffee con lechi, and went to pay, they only accepted cash. So I nipped outside to see if I could barrow cash off of my siblings, and all of my fellow group offered coins up, all good people! There are 8 members in our group! It had grown from 4 to 5, to 6, back to 5 and now 8 members! But an Italian pilgrim who had been behind me in the queue who didn't have cash either, said that he would add his things to mine so that we could pay by card. The small convenience store accepted card if it was €10 or mor...