Step 10: Apartments, Friends, and Deserts

Day 55, Sunday the 18th of June, 22km walked
We got up at 6am, Ben had been our alarm clock as he seemed to naturally rise at sun rise. A heavy mist lay heavy upon the land about the village. We packed up and started walking by 6:30am. After walking 2.6km or about 40 minutes, we arrived in the village of Atapuerca where there was a small convenience store that sold all sorts and had a small pod coffee machine. After everyone had ordered infront of me, I went up and after ordering a coffee con lechi, and went to pay, they only accepted cash. So I nipped outside to see if I could barrow cash off of my siblings, and all of my fellow group offered coins up, all good people! There are 8 members in our group! It had grown from 4 to 5, to 6, back to 5 and now 8 members! But an Italian pilgrim who had been behind me in the queue who didn't have cash either, said that he would add his things to mine so that we could pay by card. The small convenience store accepted card if it was €10 or more due to tax. But as I went to pay with my card, the Italian had a melt down, as he wanted to pay, becouse he didn't have any cash and only card and would shout me a coffee. Thankfully the machine had a problem and rejected my card, the Italian was not happy. He ended up paying and told me that if we met again that I could buy him a coffee. We continued on for another kilometer where the path began to climb steeply. Along the path to our left ran a barb wire defensive line with signs stating that past that point was a military zone. We climbed higher and higher into the mist, and passed the top where there was a cross standing alone in the mist. 

Shayne and myself talking together, taken by Ben

Once we had breeched the hill top, the mist cleared and the city of Burgos could be seen below us in the plain. We descended and once down we stopped off in a small Hamlet for more coffee and food. 

All our packs outside of the Café

After leaving that village, I walked and talked with Liam, and he shared his Testimony with me. He was from Taiwan and prior from coming to do the camino he had gone to Peru and spent sometime there teaching at a school. He had gone in hopes to teach physics, however ended up just teaching English. As he talked, we fell behind the others, and soon lost sight of them. The path broke into three separate routes that all took different roads into the city of Burgos. Rose had mentioned one that followed by the river and had shade to walk by. The last time that she had done the Camino back in 2018, she had taken a path that took her through the industrial area which had no shade. So Liam and myself took the route which followed the river, hoping that the other had taken the same path. We were taken along the river and through a park that was very busy before arriving close to the city centre. I messaged the others to see where everyone was at. They said that they were heading to the Cathédrale and were 500 meters away from there. Liam crossed the pedestrian bridge over the river into the city and I followed him. I passed a small store which sold food, and it was a small restaurant that one had to step down into, under the street level. I had seen on the out side of the shop, a picture of dumpling type things. However, after going in, I discovered that they did not make the food in the picture, and after trying to ask them if they had any other food, I was told to take a seat. I hadn't known what I had ordered and so I waited. Eventually the lady came out from the kitchen with a burger. It cost €6. The others then messaged me to let me know that they were at MammaTaco, fast food chain.

My Burger in Burgos

I had lost Liam when I went into the small restaurant and so when I came back out I continued on, hoping to find him. When I did, it was when I was passing a church and he came out off it. We both then continued on to MammaTaco where we found them sitting in side. Google maps led me to the back entrance, and so when I found them, Shayne and Ben were standing out on the main street keeping an eye out for us. I surprised them a little when we walked out from the food chains front door. Rose had brought from a store which was 50 meters up the street from where we all were, that sold milk and yogurt, a glass bottle of supposedly raw milk which she then added coco powder to make chocolate milk. Ben had been craving chocolate milk since he had begun in Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port, so Rose's chocolate milk was of great joy to him. 

After a while there, Neil showed up. Ben had been in communication with him since Katie had parted ways with Neil to go back to England. Neil expressed his desire to join our group and Ben had let him know where we were.
Ben and myself decided to stop by the store that specialized in selling milk, and he took the initiative and purchased three bottles, while I bought a single bottle. As a group we headed towards the apartment we booked the evening before. Neil had booked himself into a Albergues (Gîte) for the evening, as our apartment only had one room with a double bed in it, which meant that 8 of us had to sleep on the floor or something. 

When we arrived, we had everyone take off their shoes and socks and place them all into one cupboard and it became the dreaded cupboard where we could tell when someone had opened it becouse the smell would fill out the small apartment. We had all decided to go for dinner at a Burger restaurant for that evening before watching a movie back at the flat. We had been in contact with our French friend Thibault who was from North east of France, and he was coming down to walk with us for a few days. Thibault soon arrived and then him, Shayne, Ben, Enoch, Osgar and myself went out to the supermarket to buy things to have during watching the movie later that evening.
Once getting back to the flat, we all went out for dinner. Enoch had found a place that did burgers but they didn't start serving till 8pm, so we went across the street and had something to drink from a bar there.

Drinks in the bar that evening

Rose ordered herself Tea, which was Earl Gray with Lavender and tasted amazing. Anaël and Thibault ordered Gin and Tonic, and Anaël brought me a Gin and Tonic aswell.

Enoch and Osgar's Irish Coffee

Enoch and Osgar brought Irish Coffee that had Irish Wiskey in it. We then proceeded to the Burger place and sat and ordered. Alain (Irish) had joined us in the bar and then followed us over to have dinner along with us at the Burger Restaurant. She and Anaël had order a beyond meat burgers, only to have the patties come uncooked. They sent them back only to have them return just the same. In the end they didn't eat, and only ate the fries that came with the burgers, and ended up not paying for them either.

Dinner in Burgos

We then headed back to the flat, Alain and Neil headed to their own accommodations for the evening. Skye joined us for the evening and we watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

The main room of the apartment, taken from standing on the kitchen sink, at 12:09am

I slept quite soundly for 7 hours that night. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was asleep.

Day 56, Monday the 19th of June, 15km walked
We all awoke around 7:30am and made a slow start over coffee made from a mocha pot that Enoch had found in one of the cupboards and coffee that was also found in one of the cupboards. Russian Earl Gray was made for those who did not drink coffee and Shayne had made over night oats from the oats he had brought the evening before. It was a delicious breakfast, overnight oats with banana, blueberries, and yogurt. We had to be out by 11am. Shayne had gone out to look at the church and so Liam and I went too, only to find that it cost €10 to get in and have a look. Shayne paid €5, and we discovered from him later that it was cheaper for pilgrims. I still wouldn't have paid to go in.
One of Shayne's hobbies inwhich he is passionate about is wood working, and he found the wood carvings in the church amazing. We proceeded to waite for everyone in the courtyard of the church, and lost Shayne in the processes. Around quarter past 10am, Neil showed up and we walked to the grocery store while Osgar and Rose returned the glass milk bottles to the store inwhich they had been purchased from. We then cought up with them back at the supermarket and they had found Shayne and so the three of them arrived at the Supermarket together. After shopping for things, we left and headed our of town. After walking 7.7km and go under a couple highways, one of the underpass had a bag tapped to the wall with rolled up encouragements in it for pilgrims to read and put back again. 
The encouragement which I received

I do not know what the one I received said, as it was all in Spainish. We continued on for another 2km and arrived in the village of Tardajos where we stopped to have lunch and drinks at a bar. Anaël brought Enoch and I pineapple juice to drink. I sat and worked on the blog from the week before and the others moved on. Shayne stayed behind while I worked on my blog before we both continued on, passing the next village of Rabé de las Calzadas before arriving at the desired camping spot only 4.5km from where we had late lunch. There was a small shelter and a fireplace where we lit a fire in as we prepared where people were to sleep. Skye, Jess, Anaël, and Liam all slept in the small shelter, while Thibault set up his hammock, Neil his pop up shade tent, and Ben and Shayne their tents. Rose, Enoch, Osgar and myself all put up our tents before sitting down to have dinner.
The shelter with the lit fire

Tents and Hammocks under the trees

We all went to bed around 10pm. Those who slept in the shelter slept troubled due to the lack of mattresses. I had lent Anaël my blue mattress which has a tendency of deflating in the night. Thunder rolled in the distance but never seemed to come over where we had made camp. Another couple had also tented in the trees, but we did not make contact with them. In the middle of the night, around 3:40am, I got up to go to the toilet and thunder still rolled in the distance.

Day 57, Tuesday the 20th of June, 36km walked
We awoke at 5am and had packed up by 6 and began walking. Ben and Skye had both gone ahead together around 5:30am. On the road ahead of us lay a thunderstorm which flashed lightening and rumbled thunder in the dim light of morning. The village of Hornillos del Camino was only 5.2km away and we hopped to find coffee there. We began to walk and did not stop as the storm approached. 
Looking North as the storm swept east, 6:29am

As it began to rain, I got my bags rain cover and placed it over the top of my pack and hat. Thunder rocked the air around us as lightening flashed. The danger of being hit was real. As the rain intensified, I began praying for my groups safety. As I was doing so, the clouds above our path ahead thinned and the sky was not so dark. Liam came up to walk by me, stating that he was told to stay by my side. So I said stay by me as we walked ahead of everyone else into the storm. It was very surreal. It passed, drenching us in the process and hail fell about us on the road. Riverlets ran down the road, cutting deep cuts into the path over which we tred. As the rain poured, we could see the headlights of a car off in the distance in the village of Hornillos del Camino. It wasn't long before we arrived in the village, denched. Everything there was closed. Ben and Skye had waited for us there and had sheltered in a doorway of a house while the rain front rolled over the area. As the others talked, Liam and I changed out of our wet tops under a porch of the local church and got into something more dry and warm. We soon continued on and along the path we came across Charles and his son. His son joined him in Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port and we had walked passed him two days before in the mist before the city of Burgos. We continued on for another 11km and it rained once during that period before arriving in the village of Hontanas where we stopped for coffee and tortilla. We spent at least an hour there and the run came out through the clouds and a rainbow could be seen. We continued on, and as we passed the church of the village, a small film crew there was filming a film for a Australian movie. One of the film crew had been working for Marvel in the past as he had a marvel studio jacket on. We chatted about Marvel and how the writers had gone on strike. We continued for another 5.6km and arrived at a large Cathédrale ruin. 
The Ruins of Convento de San Antón with Shayne and Skye

When we arrived there, Skye discovered that she had left her phone at the Café in Hontanas. Her phones screen had stopped working and she needed it fixed and thus forgot about it when she was at the Café. So Shayne contacted the Café to see if they had it which they did. They gave it to a pilgrim who was walking to the next village of Castrojeriz. Osgar went and rang the bell in the church tower, as a rope was hanging and he thought it was meant for pilgrims to ring. As he was ringing it, the man who sat behind a small table of goods and talking to Rose and fellow group got up and started to shout "No, no, no, no, no! It is forbidden! There is a 90 year old neighbour sleeping!" Osgar stopped his ringing. 

There was a metal statue of Jesus on a cross made from scrap metal. It didn't look Jesus, but instead the Witch-king of Angmar. We soon continued on to the next village of Castrojeriz. 
Walking into Castrojeriz, photo taken by Shayne

We all stopped at a bar as more rain passed us by, and ate lunch at the table inside. I had brought croissants from the supermarket the day before while in Burgos, along with Brie and apples, and made everyone a croissant apple and cheese sandwiches. I couldn't find my card, and thought perhaps I had left back at the Cafe where Skye had left her phone. After a while and once the rain had receded, I went on infront of the group. Liam aswell had gone on ahead of me, as he had stated that if he didn't start walking he would fall to sleep. After walking 2.3km Rose along with Ben cought up with me. They had stated that Neil was no longer walking with us after a falling out. I was troubled by this. We kept walking and when Shayne cought up with me, he asked why I was troubled, and so I told him my thoughts. It wasn't long before we walked 7.1km and arrived in the town of Itero de la Vega.
Skye had stayed behind in Castrojeriz to pick up her phone which a pilgrim was carrying to that village, and so we did not see her till later that evening.
We stopped in a small park on the outskirts of the village of Itero de la Vega. It had a kids playground, along with BBQs and a water fountian for drinking. I headed into the village to the small supermarket which was run by an elderly couple. They only excepted cash unless you brought more than €6 worth of food which then you could use card to pay for things. We had hopped that they sold sausages, but I couldn't find any. So I brought a bottle of water that had electrolytes in it, a box of cola-cao which is a chocolate powder which one mixes with milk. I also brought an Ice cream and that brought the total to €6. When I was heading back to where we had set up camp, Shayne, Thibault, and Enoch were walking into the village to the small supermarket. I joined them and waited out side for them before walking back to where we had pitched camp. On our way back, we went via the towns church to see if it had a porch, which it did, but it was all locked up. Once back at camp, Thibault cooked sausages which he had managed to buy from the small supermarket, along with pasta and cheese and pork. We all ate it together. Liam had booked himself into a Albergues along with Anaël. They stayed in the same room which only had two beds. 

I looked around the Cemetery that was next to the park inwhich we stayed in. Inside the cemetery was a stack of rectangular boxes made from concrete, stacked up like giant pigeonholes. They were made for as tombs for those of the village to lay their loved one's in after death. These were empty and new. I planned to sleep in one. Once I had told the others, Shayne said that I couldn't do that due to respecting the dead and the locals. So I placed up my tent under some trees. However, Enoch, Thibault, and Osgar planned to go ahead and sleep in the pigeonhole tombs for the night.
Thibault, Enoch, and Osgar sleeping in empty tombs in the village of Itero de la Vega

Skye joined us and she had been successful in picking up her phone. She planned to walk the 14km from where we had camped to the village of Frómista where she would catch a bus back to Burgos to then get her phone repaired before catching a bus back to Frómista and then carrying on for another 19km to the Town of Carrión de los Condes where she would catch up with us. She planned to leave at 5am in the morning. 
With Thibault sleeping in a tomb, he gave me his hammock to sleep in, and so I gave Skye my tent to sleep in. After going to bed, I stayed awake to work on my writing till close to 11pm before going to sleep. In the middle of the night, around 11:45pm, the sprinkler system came on. I had to quickly pull the tarp which hang over me, up over the ends of the hammock to save me from getting wet. The sprinklers were quite industrial in function and sounded more like professional farm irrigation. Every two minutes the sprinklers rotation would come round and hit the tarp which I was under. They didn't turn off till around 12:30am.
Me in Thibault's hammock

Day 58, Wednesday the 21st of June, 36km walked
The evening before we planned to get up around 6am and leave by 7am. Skye had not gone at 5am, and got up when we all got up at 6am. After she quickly left in silence, we ate the overnight oats which I had placed on to soak during the evening before.
Shayne then left first to go into the village and find Anaël, and so when Enoch, Osgar, Thibault and myself went in, we couldn't find Shayne nore Anaël and Liam. We thought that they had gone on ahead, and so I set off with Ben ahead of the rowdy group of pilgrims that had come along the road from the Albergue we passed the evening before. It was soon discovered that Shayne and Enoch with the others had not gone ahead and was instead behind us. They soon cought up along with Anaël, Liam and Thibault and we walked infront of the rowdy pilgrims for 8.3km before arriving in the village of Boadilla del Camino where we stopped for coffee at the bar there. There was many other pilgrims who also stopped for coffee. We soon continued on and walked another 5.7km and arrived in the village of Frómista. We stopped there at a small supermarket and Shayne stopped at a pharmacy to buy electrolytes before continuing. We then continued on for another 16km to the town of Carrión de los Condes. We had stopped in the Village before, while Enoch, Ben, and Osgar had gone ahead without us. We stopped for a moment at a bar to rest and got something to drink. 

When we arrived in Carrión de los Condes, it was over cast, and threatened to rain. We needed a BBQ to cook sausages which Thibault had brought from the small supermarket in Frómista. We walked to the park in the center of the town, hoping to find a BBQ. There was a group of kids there who were rude, obnoxious, and loud. There was also a lot of rubbish in the park and no BBQ's to be seen. So we walked across the river to the grassy area across the road from the monastery and there Thibault cooked sausages under the table and our of the rain. He used Ben's stove to cook with.
Sitting in the Rain as Thibault cooked sausages under the table

After dinner I left my backpack with Shayne and the other three and followed Anaël along with Enoch back to his booked accommodation and slept on his floor.

Day 59, Thursday the 22nd of June, 30km walked
I left the apartment around ten past 7 and went next door to a cafe and quickly downed a cup of coffee before heading to the monastery.
First cup of coffee in Carrión de los Condes, 7:13am

I found Shayne had packed up and was putting on his backpack when I arrived, along with Rose and Osgar. Liam too was there. Ben had already left before I had arrived. He had gone along with Lulu. 
I told the others about a cafe being open just over the old bridge back into town. With the next town being 16km away, we decided to head back into Carrión de los Condes and got coffee there. Rose shouted me and Liam coffee, coffee number 2 for me. While there I rang home to my mother back in NZ. Everything seemed well.

We then began walking around 9am. The day seemed somewhat clear of bad weather. The sky had scattered clouds but no threat of rain.
Our group leaving Carrión de los Condes at 9am

After walking for 1 ½ hours, we passed a small coffee stop by the side of The Way. It was in a shipping container that someone had converted into a kitchen and sold coffee and food. We stopped there to rest and drink more coffee. At this pont I think it is safe to say that we are Café crawling across Spain. The time was around 11am when we left, and while there we made lunch and ate it. We also met two Americans who started on the 2nd of June from Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port, and were taking it slow, they were called Page and Shaun. They were young, she was a nurse, and he had just gotten out of the military. She talked to us for a while before they continued onwards, and we soon followed. After walking for another 10km, we arrived in the village of Calzadilla de la Cueza where we stopped a the bar and had cold drinks. I had a soda while the others had beers. We rested there for a few hours. 30 minutes or so before we left, Skye cought up to us. Steve who we had met on day 48 back in Zuriain, East of Pamplona, also arrived, but on a bicycle which he had rented in Burgos and was riding to León on it. It was good to see him again, as we had thought that we wouldn't see him again. We continued on around 3:40pm to walk another 13km which took us to the village of Moratinos. We did not see Skye again that day. We had planned to stop at the village of Terradillos de los Templarios, however when we arrived it did not anywhere suitable to sleep for the night. While walking from Terradillos de los Templarios to our final destination of Moratinos, Shaine was telling Ben and I his day dream for Spaghetti Bolagnese with fresh basil and Parmesan. His talking made me hungry, and the only money I had left was three euros.
Cellars in Moratinos which reminds one of Hobbiton

When we arrived in the village, we stopped at a bar. The two American pilgrims outside were eating Spaghetti Bolagnese and Shayne offered to buy me dinner. So when the others rocked up, they found Shayne and I eating a splendid meal! Anaël booked himself into an Albergue (Gîte) for the evening. Liam had booked himself into a Albergue (Gîte) back in Terradillos de los Templarios while we were still deciding to go on or not. The other 5 ordered the same as Shayne had and afterwards we headed to the church's porch. Shayne couldn't stand the flies... or perhaps us, for he took himself just outside of the village and pitched his tent to sleep there.
Our bed for the night

Day 60, Friday the 23rd of June, 31km walked
We got up at 5am and Skye walked passed and sat on the bench by the playground to wait while we packed up. Ben and Anaël appeared around 20 past 5. 

Taken at 5:30am, getting ready to leave

Shayne had camped towards the outside of the village. We started walking not to long after. Shayne and I walked for a bit all the way to the Camino de Santiago half way point and arrived around 8am. 
Us standing at the half way point

At the half way point stood two statues, one of a Knight, and the other was that of a Monk. The Knight of the Road is to guard the Flesh, while the Monk is to guard the heart and Soul. We had pictures taken by a fellow pilgrim before continuing on to the town of Sahagún only 2.4km away. Once there we stopped for coffee and Miss Lulu Texan also arrived along with the British friends Kevin and Jackie. We then went to the supermarket before heading out of town. On the way, Shayne and myself stopped for more coffee while the other continued on. We talked for a little bit over the coffees before heading on aswell. We had only walked on for 1.5km before coming across the other at a bus stop. They were discussing what route to take, as the path cut into two. It had been decided that we would take the shorter of the two, as it had more towns throughout its path. The longer one had an Albergue that was being run by a volunteer who we met on the Pyrenees.

So we all set off, and after walking 6km from where the routes had divided, we stopped in the Village of Bercianos del Real Camino to rest. It was very warm and only due to grow warmer. We rested in a park on the west side of the village under some tall Cottonwood trees. There was a pond which boarded the trees which Thibault had a swim in. A long concrete table lay in the shade where we all sat down and ate lunch. We stayed there in the shade of the trees for close to four hours before setting off in groups. I set off just after Shayne and Ben soon followed. We walked separately for 7.3km. I arrived after Ben and Shayne in the village of El Burgo Ranero. Shayne had sent me the address of the bar where he was staying at and I found Ben sitting by the closed church and he followed me to the bar where Shayne was sitting. While we sat, Rose, Enoch, Thibault, and Osgar arrived. Across the street from where we sat, a kids party was busy booming with laughter and laud music. After having an Ice-cream, we left around 7pm. Anaël booked himself a room and Ben slept on his floor in that village, while the 6 of us (Shayne, Thibault, Enoch and Osgar, Rose and myself) continued on. We could see by the map that there were picnic areas along the flat stretch of the road before the city of León. We had picked one that was 4.7km away from the village. When we arrived, we found a lot of used toilet paper, and signs of it being used as a toilet by desperate pilgrims. Enoch and Osgar decided to keep moving to a picnic area that had a shelter, which was a further 3.4km away. Thibault strung up his Hammock, while Rose and Shayne pitched their tents. I blew up my mattress and slept on the concrete park bench.
Our encampment that evening

Day 61, Saturday the 24th of June, 33km walked
We were out by 6:50am. Ben and Lulu showed up along with Liam as we began walking, and Ben had been unwell during the night while staying on the floor of Anaël's room. We walked for 3.4km to where Enoch and Osgar had camped the night under a shelter and a slat table. That morning I heard from the Family chat that a rebellion by Wargner group in Russia, and so as we walked to the closest town which lay 8.1km from where we had camped, I was continually looking for updates from various news sources. We arrived in Reliegos around 8am, and stopped at the Cafe on the east side of the suburb. Across the road stood a German man in his 30s waving at the Pilgrims as they passed, and asking where they were from in good english. He was disabled but seemed happy and was a little Ray of Sunshine. We sat and drank coffee. Lulu and Skye arrived and Rose worked on Lulu's blisters. I rang a friend of mine back in NZ and we talked a little. We were at the Cafe till around 10am when we continued walking. The temperature was supposed to reach 34°C by 6pm. We walked for another 6.5km before arriving in the town of Mansilla de las Mulas around 11:30am. I stopped at a cafe by myself and enjoyed a coffee. Shayne showed up, he had been to the grocery store prior and had brought some yogurt. He gave me two pots of Greek yogurt. We sat and talked and eventually Lulu and Ben showed up. Ben had brought medicine to help with his feeling of being ill. Shayne and I left them both and went to the river where Shayne swam. Rose gave me a ring from where they sat in the villages park eating their lunch, and told me that they had booked an apartment for that night in León. After an hour, Skye, Rose, Osgar, Enoch, Anaël, and Thibault showed up. Enoch seemed to have cought what ever Ben has, potentially food poisoning from the Spaghetti Bolagnese that we all had on Day 59. Enoch, Osgar, Skye, Shayne and Thibault all went for a swim and cought fresh water crayfish too cook up. 

 Crayfish from the river outside Mansilla de las Mulas

We rested there in the shade of the goat willows which grew on the river banks. The sky was clear and the air was warm. Rose played the penny whistle as the others swam in the river with a pot which they were filling with cray. We had a view of the bridge and passing pilgrims. Thibault then cooked up the cray with onions and butter which Enoch and Anaël brought from the local supermarket for the job. It was very nice to eat. 

We then rested a bit more before continuing another 5.5km where there was another river, and we stopped there for a few hours. As we did so, someone began playing laud music from a giant portable speaker from under the road bridge, keeping us from napping. Thibault swam in the river and we soon continued onwards. I walked on ahead with Shayne and Osgar. Osgar shot on ahead and for 4.4km I walked alone with Shayne before coming to find Osgar at a water fountian. It must have been a place to laundry back in the day, as it had a rock like trough which the continuous water flowed into. It was still quite hot and the time was closw to 8pm. So I got into the trough and sat in there for a moment to cool off in the icy water before we continued. It wasn't long before Shayne shot on ahead and Osgar lagged behind and I found myself walking alone once more.
Taken at 8:41pm, looking down towards León

I continued for another 2km before Anaël cought up with me and he wondered where Shayne was. I sent him a message and he shared his location with me and it wasnt long before we found him. Anaël then waited by the street corner while Shayne and I made for the KFC which lay 720 meters away. He really needed the bathroom, and thus we ran, fearing that he had cought what Ben and Enoch had. Once we got there, I took a seat and kept an eye on his bag while he used the bathroom, and once he had come out, I went up and ordered something to eat. Only having a couple of euros on my card, I brought three small cheese bites for €2.80. The others all arrived, and Enoch was very unwell looking, tired and sluggish. Rose and Shayne ordered food for themselves and after seeing that I was not going to but anymore food, Shayne brought for me a burger and chips and a drink. It was well received and I ate it hungrily. After that we continued towards the flat which Anaël had booked. He had given me the address, and then himself and Osgar headed towards burger king. The fastfood chaine was on route to the flat and Shayne and I followed Osgar and Anaël, but had to fall back to wait for Rose and Enoch. When we arrived at the street with the flat, Anaël hadn't sent me the number of the apartment on the street, and my phone was 5% battery life. With urgency, we rang Anaël from my phone and Rose was able to get the number. We then had to figure out how to get in, and Enoch was about to start leaking from his mouth. Once the door opened, Enoch and Shayne ran upstairs as Enoch was about to throw up, and managed to get inside just intime and Enoch got to the bathroom and threw his guts up. Mean while, the rest of us, Rose, and myself made our way up the stairs and into the very small apartment. It was only designed for a party of two, not six. It wasn't long before Osgar and Anaël arrived, and it was quite a site, all of us in the small space. I did not take any photos of us all. Enoch Osgar and I slept on the double bed, Anaël slept on the floor under the air-conditioner. Shaybe slept between the bed and the wall, while Rose and Skye (who showed up and hour or so after we had arrived) slept on the kitchen floor. In all, there were seven of us that evening.


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